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Florist’s Choice is leaving it up to us to put a beautiful bouquet or arrangement together with the freshest flowers available on that specific day. This also ensures quality. And assists with decision making if you are not too sure what to send. An absolute win-win situation. At Blooming Brilliance, we love Florist’s Choice because of our location and the logistics of getting fresh flowers to us. 

Selecting Your Bouquet


Small Bouquet
R200 - R300

Extra Special

Med Bouquet
R300 - R450

Showing Off !!

Large Bouquet

Deliveries done throughout Port Alfred and surrounding areas – including Kleinemonde, Fish River, Mpekweni, Bathurst, Boknes, Kenton-on-Sea and Boesmansriviermond. Please enquire about additional delivery prices to outlying areas. We can also organise flowers to be delivered nationally and internationally.

Our Subscriptions Make it Easy

If you're looking for flowers to brighten a space on a regular basis, whether it be a cafe, office reception, store front or your lounge,
our subscription packages make it even easier to have fresh blooms delivered to you each week.

You can expect a seasonal, locally-sourced and curated arrangement, different every delivery and ready for display.


Blooming Brilliance

You'll find our beautifully crafted bouquets in homes, shops and spaces around Port Alfred. You’ll know!

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